Posted by: askelena | January 29, 2012

Forestdance Feb 5-11, 2012

Sacred Healing and Expressive Arts Fire Circle Ceremony Feb. 5th -11, 2012.

The Forestdance sacred fire circle experience is a co-creative, all night, eclectic spiritual ritual in which a safe art and sharing space is developed around a fire. Inside, from around midnight until dawn, energy and awareness is raised and cultivated through drumming, dancing, singing, chanting, music making and various other forms of human expression. Through the balance of listening, serving one another, and expressing, these layers of that which we have necessarily gathered together tightly to protect ourselves, come down, until a simple and free flowing state of embodied divinity and deep personal freedom rises through us. This culture is very much about reclaiming our own intimacy and our right to experience life to the fullest. Forest Dance strives to hold a sacred container, so if you would like to come, please plan to come from the beginning through the end. For more information on Forest Dance




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